O Projeto

Internet Governance @ FGV stems from CTS’s (Center for Technology and Society)  “Internet Governance Architecture project. This project aims in mapping, analyising and actively contributing to the different processes allowing a variety of stakeholders to elaborate Internet regulation instruments. In the light of the essentially transnational dimension of the Internet, the analysis of this network of networks requires careful consideration of both national and international processes. As such, this project not only aims at tackling the diverse amount of processes related to Internet governance from an academic perspective, but also at actively participating in such processes in order to foster  the elaboration of sustainable regulatory tools.


With that in mind, this initiative emerges in a context filled with turbulence and achievements. Since then, it has been fundamental for the development of this project, to follow and participate to governance and  policy-making processes such as the elaboration of the Marco Civil and the Brazilian Data Protection Bill (Anteprojeto de lei para proteção de dados pessoais). One of the main goals of the project is  to analyse local experiences in the implementation of multistakeholder processes and Internet policy-making at the national (Brazil) and international level.


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